What Should You Know About Ibogaine Treatment?

4 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Rehab facilities can be enormously helpful to people who would like to overcome their drug addiction. Different facilities have their own approach toward detox and recovery. Many people choose a recovery plan that includes ibogaine because they've heard good things about it. Here are four things you should know about ibogaine treatment before committing to it:

1. You can access it at designated ibogaine treatment facilities.

Ibogaine isn't a drug you should take alone. Self-administering ibogaine can be dangerous due to its psychoactive properties. However, it is safe when used in a clinical setting, as prescribed by a doctor. In order to undergo ibogaine treatment, you'll need to go to a treatment facility designed for that purpose. Many of these ibogaine centers are situated in Mexico where ibogaine is acknowledged as a valid treatment for drug addiction.

2. You may have an intense experience.

Ibogaine works in a few different ways. Primarily, it helps to regulate the neurochemicals in your brain. Drug use can alter your brain to create physical dependence. Part of the difficulty of ceasing drug use is overcoming the side effects of withdrawal. Ibogaine can lessen your withdrawal symptoms, especially when used in conjunction with other medications. However, ibogaine also affects your perception. While you're on ibogaine, you may experience visual or auditory hallucinations. These sensations can be frightening or upsetting to people who aren't prepared. If you understand that ibogaine can be an intense experience, you're more likely to benefit from it.

3. You need to be willing to put in the work.

Ibogaine is very helpful for people who wish to stop using drugs. However, it is not a miracle cure. Ibogaine can assist you, but it can't do the work for you. Discontinuing drug use is a difficult battle that will take some time. You need to remain committed to your recovery day after day, even when it gets hard. Before you commit to ibogaine treatment, make sure you're ready and willing to do your part for your recovery. Commit to participating fully in all the programs at your ibogaine treatment facility. A good attitude and an open mind will take you far.

4. You should expect to meet with a counselor.

During your stay at an ibogaine treatment facility, you will meet with a counselor. Counseling is an integral part of any recovery program. Ibogaine can make each counseling session more productive. Ibogaine encourages openness in patients. It can help you feel more at ease so you can discuss things you might not ordinarily feel comfortable sharing. 

Contact an ibogaine treatment center in Mexico for more information.