Is Your Teenager Going Through A Rough Time?

20 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog


You probably remember your own teenage years pretty well. If so, you more than likely remember that there were highs and lows, sometimes on the same day. perhaps you were excited when you made the cheerleading squad or the basketball team. On the other hand, there might have been disappointments if your steady broke up with you. The scenarios could go on and on, and they are probably very similar to the things today's teenagers face. If your own teenager has recently gone through a major disappointment, this might be a rough time for him or for her. It might even be that a best friend has passed away or that you, as his or her parents, are having marital problems, perhaps even facing a divorce. In other words, there are normal sad times, but there are major things that could cause your child to go through a depression that alarms you. From having special times together to seeking teen counseling, here are some ideas that might help you as our teenager goes through a rough time.

Time Spent Together - Remember when your child was little and he or she wanted to just be with you all the time? As a teenager, your child might act like he or she prefers to be with friends. However, it might also be that, deep inside, he or she truly wants and needs more time with you, and with you and your spouse. Think about making a rule that times in the car are times when neither of you uses your cell phones. Don't even turn on music for a while. Use that time to ask questions and to share things that are important to you. Remember not to ask questions that can be answered with a simple Yes or No answer. Share experiences from when you were a teenager so that your child can relate to things that you might have gone through that were difficult.

Time Spent With A Counselor - After an honest evaluation of your teenager's behavior, you might want to seek professional help from a family counselor. Look for an individual that has special training and experience with working with youth. It might be that your ecclesiastic leader at church has the qualifications needed to be a family counselor. If not, he or she will more than likely be very happy to recommend an associate that counsels teenagers or a firm like Infinite Therapeutic Services. Consider keeping a journal, and asking your child to keep a journal, so that you can see the progress that he or she is making toward a happier state.